Saturday 18 March 2017

Maths Challenge!

We are coming to the end of term 2 here in Oman and you know what that means? Assessments! AAAAGH! But, we had a great time revising for our end of term assessment in the form of a Maths Challenge!
My kids, bless them, are super competitive this year and love being in teams with a single whiteboard. They take it in turns to write the answers and report back and they LOVE to get points! So needless to say, we had a fun (and loud) maths challenge! Go team!

You can find this fun, interactive challenge here!
Here are some examples of what the slides include:


Wednesday 13 May 2015

Let's Bingo! with sight words...

We LOVE to play Bingo in our class. We even have "The Bingo Wall of Fame" on our white board and whoever wins gets to knock the champion off the board and put their own name in his place!

But as my kids become stronger readers, I need to make more challenging Bingo cards. These ones are beautiful! They are full colour! Each card has a different character on it. The pack also includes blank templates of all the colour cards so you can just put in your own words.
Now, Let's Bingo!

Sight Word Bingo Pack #2 in store now!

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Sunny Subtraction (with Mean Mister Minus)

"Mean Mr Minus always takes away!"

If you walked past our classroom this week, this is the chant you would've heard from us. 
We had a great week of learning how to subtract using loads of different things to help us. We drew pictures and crossed out; we used counters to build a number and then take some away; we made up story sums.
And then we had to consolidate. 
I was bored of the same old worksheets that we'd used in years before, so I made this super cute and fun subtraction workbook for my little chickens. At the end, there is even a "Well done! You made it!" certificate to colour in! Find it here in my store: Sunny Subtraction Workbook

Tuesday 28 April 2015

U is for... Undies!

Well, of course it is! I mean, when we started the letter "u" last week, my obvious first idea was to make a pair of undies to hang on the line in our classroom, right? Hahaha, ok maybe it wasn't my first idea.
But I was so desperate to make this such a fun letter for us, I had to think on the level of my kids.
And undies it was! And what fun we had making and hanging these!

Even our headmistress had a grand old laugh when she walked in and found all our "laundry" hanging on the line!

Friday 27 March 2015

Easter Bunny Bop

Easter is coming and yesterday I created a fun Easter Bunny maths game for my Maths Center. The kids LOVED it! It's called Easter Bunny Bop and it is really easy to play!

We played in pairs. Each child got a board with their numbers on it and a dice. You throw the dice and get a number. Then you throw again and you add that number to your first number. Whoever has the answer on their board gets to cover it. The first one to cover all their numbers shouts "BUNNY" and the other player has to bounce about like a bunny.

Oh, how we laughed!
Who's ready for Easter?!

This great game is available from my TpT store! Just click on this link: Easter Bunny Bop

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Sight Word Super Stars!

We have been working soooo hard all term in Grade 1Bu! And no jokes we've been having the best time!
This week we decided to see who knew the most sight words in our class. We made up a game called The Sight Word Super Stars.
How the game works is all the sight words are on a list with the child's name at the top. There is a ladder next to the names and each child has their own Super Hero that will fly up the ladder with the more words they know!

We Just had such fun playing and we will play all year round!

Click on the Link below to buy this game from my teacher's notebook store!
Sight Word Super Stars

Or from my TpT's store!
TpT Sight Word Super Stars

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Sight Word Memory Game

This week I made a Sight Word Match Memory Game! It went down like a treat! The kids spent a good half an hour playing this game and there were many moments of "YES!" and "I know where this one is" and "Miss, Bee, is it this one... or... thissssss onnnnnne?" Hopeful eyes glancing up at me...
Find it at my Teacher's Notebook store SIGHT WORD MEMORY GAME for only $2.50
There are 100 pairs, all with gorgeous pictures!

Love it!
Also available from my TPT store:
TPT Sight Word Memory Game